In these times of extreme heat there is nothing better than to be near, on or in a waterbody.
In Quebec there are over 500,000 identified lakes (there are probably more than one million in total), and 130 000 watercourses, including 4 500 rivers.
The greatest of these lakes is the Caniapiscau reservoir (4 318 km
2) larger than the U.S. state of Rhode Island, our largest natural lake, the Mistassini lake (2 335 km
2) is larger than Luxembourg.

Our rivers are not to be outdone, some are over 800 km long, ten are more than 400 km long.
But do not forget the most majestic of our waterways, the St-Lawrence River.
With a length of 1 140 km, the majority in Quebec, the St. Lawrence is rhe river with the greatest flow of water in the world.
All these water bodies are home of a flora of great diversity.
There is first of all the plants that tolerate salt spray, of course they are found along the river and Gulf of St. Lawrence, for example the
Beach Pea and the
Hooker's iris
So, enjoy your next visit to one of our beautiful water bodies to admire the flora that thrives there.
This weekend nice weather is announced, then wherever you are, take time to admire the spring flora which is at its peak.
In our towns and villages is the yellow color that gets the spotlight, on roadsides, in ditches, waste ground and lawns we can see a profusion of
Coltsfoot and
Common dandelion, there is also, here and there, clusters of
Winter Cress.
In our forests it's the color white that has the honor, one can observe mats of
Mayflower, and of
Carolina spring beauty, some
Painted Trillium lighten the underwoods and if you have the chance that this forest is located in the mountains, you could find the
Early saxifrage, and if you're even luckier, you could have a look at the Wood anemone, a unusual plant here in Quebec.
But it is in rich woods, especially in maple woods, that the spring flora is shining brightly.
Trout lily with its yellow flowers and glossy green leaves speckled with brown spots his next to the
Red trillium with his huge purple flower and nearly round leaves. There is also the white flowers of the
Two-leaved Toothwort with his cut leaves often meshed with white, and if you're lucky you can see the beautiful
Bloodroot with his huge white flowers and so special leaves.
To add to this orgy of color, the
Blue cohosh is doing its part with its sometimes purple foliage and with his brown, almost black, flowers.
It is hard to believe that in a few days, when the leaves are fully open, the majority of these plants will have disappeared, including leaves and stems, as if they had never been there.
So no matter where you are, go out and watch the show, Quebec is beautiful in all seasons, do not miss any !

Located in Bécancour, Centre-du-Québec, the Parc écologique GodeFroy offers pedestrian paths in a wood of maple and oaks along the Godefroy river. Besides these essences we find two species of tree that we do not usually encounter on the St-Lawrence north-shore: magnificent and big White elm and the Shagbark hickory.
Closer to ground we can find the usual flora of banks and rich undergrowth there :
Larger Blue-Flag,
Northern starflower, Ostrich fern,
Starry false solomon's seal, etc... Two species are remarkable by their profusion in this park : the Green false hellebore and the
Eastern skunk cabbage.

It is early in spring or even, at the end of winter, that we can observing the flowers of the Skunk cabbage. On the way we saw, in a field near the St-Lawrence river, Snow geese heading towards their site of nesting in the North of Quebec.

In the park we observe one other migrant species on the Godefroy river : the Canada goose.
We are not disappointed, the ground still partially covered with snow, shows a multitude of Skunk cabbage. If this plant bloom through the snow it's because the plant produced heat, up to 35 degrees Celsius more than the ambient air.