Even though I considered myself a person close to nature, I thought that before the end of May only
dandelion was blooming. Of course that was before I decided to try to identify plants that I met.
But I realized that I was not an exception to think that, even though this perception seems to be the norm.
I really became aware of this fact when several people have reported to me that my site was certainly not up to date as at the end of April my section "Flowering now" posted over 6 species, which for these people was not possible. Well yes it is possible! Firstly, not only the dandelion blooms early near populated areas, there is also the
Colstfoot. This plant shows his flowers first and then once the flowers and fruit disappeared, its large leaves, it is one of the "secrets" of our spring.
The best example of these "secret" blooms is the
Yellow trout lily, this plant that grows in our rich woods has to complete its life cycle between the ground thaws and deployment of trees leaves, which leaves less than 50 days to grow, flourish and fructified. Once the undergrowth obscured by the leaves of maples, elms and oaks, nothing of the Yellow trout lily remains above ground.
So if you want to know the "secrets" of our spring, do not hesitate to browse our woods from the beginning of April to the end of May, you will not be disappointed!