Flore du Québec, Fleur de Lys
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Early lowbush blueberry

Vaccinium angustifolium

Bleuet feuille-dentelée (Bleuet)

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  • Names
It is the "blueberry", sweet, tasty and delicious!
Moreover Quebec is the first worldwide producer of the " wild blueberry ".
Do not confuse the Early lowbush blueberry with the Highbush blueberry sold low-season in our groceries and coming from the United States, this one is bigger certainly, but less sweet, mushy and flat due to the shipping of unripened fruits.
On the other hand certain producers of Quebec now cultivate this species and they are much better, this says without any chauvinism:-)
The blueberry is called "airelle" in France but still you should not confuse it with the "myrtille" (Vaccinium myrtilloide) which does not grow in Quebec.
The blueberry, is the symbol of the city of Dolbeau-Mistassini.
The Early lowbush blueberry has numerous health benefits.
Early lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium)
Early lowbush blueberry : 1- Flower
Early lowbush blueberry : 2- Inflorescence
Early lowbush blueberry : 3- Buds
Early lowbush blueberry : 4- Flowering plants
Early lowbush blueberry : 5- Flowers
Early lowbush blueberry : 6- Young fruits
Early lowbush blueberry : 7- Young fruits
Early lowbush blueberry : 8- Fruits
Early lowbush blueberry : 9- Plants with fruits
Early lowbush blueberry : 10- Ripped fruits
Photos of  Vaccinium angustifolium

