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Common Labrador tea

Rhododendron groenlandicum

Thé du labrador

  • Presentation
  • Presentation
  • Identification
  • Names
  • Uses
  • Ethnobotany
Common Labrador tea is an emblem of the boreal forest.
Sometimes called Bog Labrador tea, once had its own genus "Ledon", it is now classified in the genus Rhododendron.
Appreciated for millennia has a herbal tea, Common Labrador tea had, and still has, many other uses for humans.
Covered with resin, the plant is almost rotproof.
Its leaves are evergreen.
Common Labrador tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum)
Common Labrador tea : 1- Inflorescence
Common Labrador tea : 2- Buds
Common Labrador tea : 3- Flowering plant
Common Labrador tea : 4- Flowers
Common Labrador tea : 5- Leaves and stem
Common Labrador tea : 6- Fruits
Photos of  Rhododendron groenlandicum

