Flore du Québec, Fleur de Lys
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Wild carrot

Daucus carota

Carotte sauvage

  • Identification
  • Presentation
  • Identification
  • Names


Plain of the St. Lawrence.


Dry places, uncultivated fields and wastelands.


In bloom from the middle to the end of summer.


Several plants looks like it, but it is important not to confuse with these two deadly plants: Water hemlock (Cicuta maculata), the most toxic of our native plants, and the Poison-hemlock (Conium maculatum) introduced and still rare in Quebec, these two plants are found more in the wetlands.
Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), a new arrival who can burn the skin, is much higher.
In all cases, these plants do not have a central red flower like the Wild Carrot.
Wild carrot (Daucus carota)
Wild carrot : 1- Flowerheads
Wild carrot : 2- Inflorescence
Wild carrot : 3- Buds
Wild carrot : 4- Flowering and in fruits plants
Wild carrot : 5- Young fruits
Wild carrot : 6- Fruits
Wild carrot : 7- Tuber
Wild carrot : 8- Young inflorescence with red central flower
Photos of  Daucus carota

